Habu Museum Park

  1. Habu Museum Park staff.

    Hello~ (~ @ @)Habu Snake Park staff today…Let's put it on your own ( 6 - 6) stains vineyards every morning.…

  2. A day of the elephant turtle

    First of all, I've taken a cute mummogu scene ~ technique collusion versus mulberry leaves! ! !You can also see inside your mouth that you can't usually see~ (~…

  3. Ventilation fan

    In Habu Museum Park, it's Tamaki that I haven't concentrated on my work because of a certain tragic feeling. I'm walking on that day, but I'm full of traps.…

  4. There is Habu Museum Park~

    Yes, yes! Habu Museum Park, Kaneshiro Today, I'm going to introduce some Habu Museum Park! ~ Staff Edition ~ Habu Museum Park same as well, which has a reputation for being close to the staff.…

  5. My favorite

    Yes, yes! Habu Museum Park. As a result of thinking about what to write this time, I'm going to introduce three of my favorite photos! First of all, the first Aldabra elephant turtle…

  6. The blue snake of Okinawa!

    Did you know that there is a snake named blue (Ao) in Okinawa? Aodaisho! I don't know. It's a snake called Ryukyuao snake. It's a very beautiful snake.…

  7. Oh, what shall I do?

    Habu Museum Park, my mother is New Year's Day, and my paternity is Tamaki twice a year with Lunar New Year. I'm seriously worried. Long…

  8. Fruit party

    Hello! In Habu Museum Park, let's start preparing for the annual fruit party every day. First, let's start the fruit party.…

  9. What kind of age?

    The creatures at Habu Snake Park seem to survive at their own pace again this year~…

  10. Family of Creatures

    Hello~ Habu Museum Park. Recently, it's getting hot, cold, and I'm wondering what to wear. Please be careful not to catch a cold.…

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