Surrounded by coral reef seas, Okinawa is home to more than 600 solutional caves.
Among them, Gyokusendo Cave is the largest limestone cave. Created over 300,000 years, Gyokusendo Cave is one of the largest in Japan, with a total length of 5,000 meters and over 1 million Speleothem. (Open to the public: 890m)
In today's development of civilization, every place on earth seems to have become a daily space for humankind, but extraordinary space is spreading in our feet, the earth's world. Various Speleothem, underground rivers flowing through caves, and the sound of dripping water. Experience the earth's time, which has been around for tens of thousands of years.

Introduction of highlights

Creatures living in Gyokusendo Cave

In the caves where the sun cannot reach, there are creatures adapted to the dark environment. In Gyokusendo Cave, there are many rare creatures unique to subtropical islands, such as Okinawa least horseshoe bat, the eyeless Harvestman and Kuroiwa's ground gecko, the largest freshwater shrimp in the country, and the Giant mottled eel growing above 1.5 meters.

Speleothem Picture Book

There are various types of Speleothem, including the Stalactites hanging from the ceiling, the Stalagmites, which stretches from the ground like bamboo shoots, the Microgours, the sand grains, and the Cave pearls.
"Cave rafts" is a rare Speleothem that can be seen only in the season.

To the Explore the Cave in the Southern Island page

Okinawa Cave Week 2021For eight days from November 21 to 28, 2021, "Okinawa Cave Week 2021" was held with the aim of allowing citizens to become familiar with the nature and culture of Okinawa's caves and karst areas. At two venues, the Okinawa World and the Okinawa Prefectural Museum & Art Museum, there were many too deep events by cave specialists.

In Okinawa, which is located in the subtropical zone, many rare fruits that are not seen in other prefectures are cultivated.
The subtropical fruit is very unique. Flowers bloom directly on the trunk of the tree, and fruits grow on the thick trunk. The shape of the fruit, the shape of the flower, and the fragrance are completely different from the fruit imaged by Japanese people.
From relatively well-known fruits such as pineapple, mango, papaya, passion fruit, dragon fruit, star fruit, lychee, kegaki and jaboticaba. Tropical Orchaeds grows about 50 kinds of 450 tropical fruit trees. Enjoy the seasonal rare flowers and fruits and sweet scents up close.

Fruit introduction

※The season of flowers and fruits varies depending on the weather and other factors. Thank you for your understanding.

In Okinawa, which flourished through trade with other countries during the Kingdom of ryukyu era, unique traditional crafts have been developed under the influence of diverse overseas cultures. Okinawan traditional crafts have been nurtured as a unique craft by incorporating the crafts and techniques of each country, adapting them to the climate and climate of this region. The items designated as national and prefectural traditional crafts are one of the best in Japan. It can be said that it is characterized by new patterns and designs that combine patterns and designs from China, Southeast Asia, Japan, etc. with unique motifs, an open and bright sense of color unique to tropical countries, and a bold and somewhat simple form.

Studio introduction

Ryukyu glass

Ryukyu glass was started as a reuse of empty bottles of cola brought in by Americans after the war. The spacious and bright atmosphere like a tropical country is attractive. With glass melted at high temperatures, you can enjoy the process of craftsmen making various products just by looking at it.

Bingata Dyeing

A traditional dyeing of Okinawa with a history of 500 years. It is said that "red" refers to the whole color, and "type" refers to various patterns. Despite the influence of Southeast Asia, China and Japan, it has taken in Okinawa's nature and climate and developed as a colorful dye.


It is said that Pottery's technology was introduced in trade with China and Southeast Asia around the 14th and 16th centuries. In the 17th century, pottery was manufactured in Okinawa, and a unique manufacturing method was developed. There are many works that draw patterns of natural motifs such as arabesque and fish with thick and somewhat rustic texture.


Okinawa is said to be a treasure trove of textiles, and various textiles are handed down in various parts of small islands. In the workshop, you can see new weaving that has been arranged in a modern style while using Shuri's traditional techniques such as Kaori, Lawton weaving, and hand weaving.

To the list of experiences

Okinawa used to be an independent country called Kingdom of ryukyu. People have traded across the sea and have nurtured their own culture while incorporating various cultures. Here, Ryukyu Kingdom Castle Town is a space that has slipped back in time. Beautiful red tile old folk house line the eaves, people dressed in gorgeous Ryukyu costumes come across, and tropical flowers color the streets. You can feel the ancient Ryukyus here and there, such as old folk house and Fu-ru Piggery, which have been certified as registered Tangible Cultural Property by more than 100 years old, Kami Ashagi, where Shinto ritual was once located in the village, and old folk house using techniques unique to Okinawa. Please enjoy a leisurely and leisurely trip.

Look for it, Roof Shisa

Red tiles have been manufactured since around the 18th century, but at that time "red" was considered a noble color, and it was only in Meiji period that ordinary people could use it. In Okinawa, where there are many typhoons, the seams of tiles are painted firmly with plaster to prevent them from being blown off by strong winds. It is said that Shisa on the red tile roof seen in Okinawa was made of plaster and red tile by clay roof tile craftsmen.
Ryugu that was allowed only to be worn by royals and tribes during the Kingdom of ryukyu era.
It is said that it was developed under the influence of Chinese Han clothes and Japanese kimono. The gorgeous Bingata Dyeing pattern is also attractive.
You can also enjoy strolling in Ryuso in Ryukyu Kingdom Castle Town.
The large eaves block the sun's light, the breeze blows through comfortably, and the nostalgic scenery seen from the open door. In old folk house, "Yonna Yonna (slowly relax)" Please enjoy Okinawa time.
The Ryukyu dog "Sora-chan" lives in Ryukyu Kingdom Castle Town. It looks dignified, but she is a shy girl.♪
Natural monument of Okinawa Prefecture. Unlike Japanese native dogs, it is believed that they may maintain the lineage of a southern dog in Jomon period.
National Registered Tangible Cultural Property
old folk house introduction
List of Experiences
About Kingdom History Museum

There is no doubt that you will be able to use it. Super Eisa is popular for its bold arrangement of traditional Okinawan performing art "Eisa". The rough work of dancing and striking large Wadaiko and jumping while rotating is the coolness of the skin. In addition to Eisa, you can enjoy a variety of Okinawan performing arts at once, such as lion dance as if you were alive, an comical Yaeyama performing arts Ann Gama, Yotsutake, a Ryukyu woman dancing gracefully, Sanshin and folk song. At the end of the show, "Kachashii". It is a dance of the Okinawan dialect that means "mixing". Let's dance together with the performers and the audience.

Super Eisa Show performance time (three times a day)

※Show time about 30 minutes

What is Eisa?

Eisa is the Buddhist prayer dance that sends ancestors to the world on the last day of the old calendar Obon (Okinawa Obon is 3 days from July 13 to 15, old calendar). On July 13, old calendar, in the Okinawa dialect, "Unke," we prepare offering in the altar and lit candles at the gate of the house in the evening to welcome the spirits of our ancestors. old calendar, on July 14th, called Nakabi, visits relatives' homes with Buddhist altars. On July 15th, old calendar called "Ukui," we serveoffering and treats to send off our ancestors. In conjunction with the show off, each village will show a Eisa called "Dojone". The number of local governments that carry out traditional events has been reduced and simplified, but men and women dance in Eisa, parade around the village, praying for the safety and prosperity of each house in sound health, the family, and the spirits of their ancestors. Now, the succession of Eisa and the development of creative Eisa have made it possible to enjoy Eisa at local government festivals and events.

Eisa instruments

Big drum
large Wadaiko decorates the head of the brave Eisa. The skin material is mainly made of buffalo and cowhide. The weight is 5-8kg, so don't! A powerful sound echoes. There are many types of taiko drumming, and the expression method is also spectacular.
Tight drum
Unlike large Wadaiko, it weighs small and weighs 2-3kg. The taiko drum can be expressed throughout the body by reversing the weight of the drum. The rhythm and dynamism movement are outstanding, and it is a masterpiece if you look at it. In the area around Okinawa City, you can see Eisa, which is mainly composed of taiko drums.
It can be said that the Sanshin with expensive snake skin has been a symbol of richness since ancient times. The origin of the Chinese string instrument, San Shen, is a major instrument that is said to have one in the family, such as being displayed in tokonoma in Okinawa. ※In Okinawa, events are held in various parts of the prefecture, with March 4 as "Sanshin Day" as a match.
A musical instrument made of three boards tied with a string. It is used like castanets or tambarines.
※In Okinawa, March 8th is "Samba Day".

The legendary entertainment "Habu Snake Show", which once dominated the world, is still doing it! (It's not a decisive battle!)
At the show, Okinawa's strongest poisonous snake "Habu Snake", the currently unemployed alien creature "Mangoose", "Cobra" with a cool neck opening, and "human"! Creatures unfold with pride, cute! But a strange battle is a must-see! Habu Snake's poison vs human poison tongue, please take a look at Show Venue!

◎The "decree" was no longer possible due to the revision of the Animal Protection Law in 2000. It's also a story on TV variety show location (Is it done?) It has changed to a popular "competition". Please enjoy it.♪

Habu Snake Show performance time (three times a day)

※Show time about 20 minutes

Every year in Okinawa, Habu Snake bites occur! Carefully observe Habu Snake's mouth, fangs and poisons. Can you withstand the strongest level of poison stimulation that takes human life?
When and what does Habu Snake feel and attack? That speed is a momentary event! Don't look outside, look at it.
Mangoose with a cute look and Sea Snake with more poisonous than Habu Snake. One-on-one serious game of death every time! Which one do you support?
Now that the decisive show is gone, it is human beings who stretch their bodies!
Cobra of risk Max, and humans! How is the game?

Habu Museum Park was founded more than 40 years ago, inspired by a research facility in Habu Snake, with the desire to reduce the damage to Habu Snake in Okinawa. It has also become a venue for international conferences where poisonous snake researchers from various countries gather. It has not changed since then, and the exhibits related to Habu Snake are inferior to anywhere. It is a facility where you can learn about the unexpected side of Habu Snake, not just fearful. And it's not just Habu Snake! A large group of unique friends, such as Mangoose, Sea Snake, Coconut crab and Okinawa tree lizard, gather together. Please be healed by creatures full of mysterious charm.

A pleasant fellow

Scary poisonous snakes

A large collection of poisonous snakes from Okinawa, such as Habu Snake with three different patterns and shapes and Sea Snake with more than 15 times more poisonous than Habu Snake! There is also a free-range corner of Habu Snake.

Habu Snake Museum

This is an exhibition corner for various materials related to Habu Snake. You can learn more about the species and damage situation from the ecology of Habu Snake.

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