Okinawan crafts

Make a diploma with Ryukyu Japanese paper!

Sunday, December 1 and Sunday, December 15 at Ryukyu Kingdom Castle Town Papermaking Studio.
Sixth graders from Osato Kita Elementary School challenged to make a diploma for handmade Japanese paper!
This diploma making experience is an annual event.

Based on Ryukyu mulberry, containing moon peach fiber is the raw material of this diploma.
The fiber of the moon peach looks dark.

Under the guidance of a paper maker, the raw materials are stirred and made into the form of a diploma using a wooden frame.

Signboard dog at the paper making workshop 
The Ryukyu dog "Sora" is also available.
I was watching you warmly.

The Japanese paper made by you is stacked so that it is not sticking one by one, squeezed water, and
It is dried in the sun on a sunny day and finally completed.

If you make two pieces, the one who is good will be the diploma.
The other one will be handed out on a blank sheet, and you can use it freely, such as postcards!

This time, I made a diploma for a total of 58 people.
Some of them had four children, and all four had experienced making diplomas.
The top child is 25 years old, a good working adult. Somehow I'm going to see you.

I'm looking forward to the finish of my diploma.
Please enjoy the rest of your elementary school life, making a lot of memories.
Thank you very much.

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